Have you ever wanted to record the very best of your school’s music for posterity and prosperity? KeepingMusic brings the studio to you, recording in your school and offering your students an experience they will never forget! Whether it’s a complete CD to sell to parents, and bring in some much needed funds, or a selection of the best your school has to offer to add to your website for self promotion. This package can be customised to suit your school’s needs.
One full day of recording up to 6 hours. We set up an hour before the start of each session, and then record as many takes of each piece as you need to capture your best performance, or to get enough material to edit a complete/accurate take back at the studio. The recording is then edited, mixed and mastered back at the studio. The Final Master Audio CD is then presented to you, which can be used by you as the basis for CD Manufacture. You will also be offered a DDP image to pass on to the CD Manufacturers (often preferred as a more accurate master). Mp3’s of your favourite tracks will be handed over to you perhaps for upload to your school’s website. If you want to add a second day, either next day or later in the year when you have rehearsed more material, the price would be reduced further to £290.
This offer also includes no travel expenses to schools in Kent and East Sussex. Schools outside of this area will incur travel expenses. To find out more, please go to www.keepingmusic.co.uk For all enquiries please contact Andrew Keeping at 07973129951 or andrew@keepingmusic.co.uk
"Andrew has recorded solos and ensembles for our School CD at Sutton Valence . He has shown tremendous professionalism and the pupils have enjoyed working with him. He has always demonstrated the utmost care in his work, even in adversary, recording concerts in difficult locations and with minimum disruption to the performers and the audience. The results have always been top quality."
Phil Horley—Head of Music, Sutton Valence School